
How to Make Your To-Do List: Five Tips

To-Do List

Five ways to create effective to-do list

Accomplish more and be more useful with MOO’s tips and deceives for making powerful daily agendas – once in a while you can’t beat a run of the mill pen and paper.


Time usage master James Clear refers to the Ivy Lee Method as “the every day schedule specialists suggest for top usefulness.” We consider it the $400,000 procedure. Why? Ivy Lee, the one who established the strategy, instructed it to Charles Schwab and his chiefs in 1918—and advised them to pay whatever it was worth. After 90 days, Lee had a check for $25,000. That is what could be compared to $400,000 now!

You will need to become familiar with this. What’s more it’s dead straightforward. This is what you do:

– Record the six most significant things you want to achieve tomorrow.

– Rank those things arranged by significance.

– Work on your first thing until it’s done. Then, at that point, move onto the following.

– At the point when the day is done, move incomplete things to another rundown of assignments for later.

– Rehash.

James Clear has a hypothesis regarding the reason why this technique works: it’s basic, compels you to focus on errands, and makes it simple for you to single undertaking. Blast. Daily agenda prevailed.


This is one of the fresher strategies out there – and one of the most Instagram-commendable as well. A huge number of individuals across the world swear that this is the most adaptable and productive framework for finishing things – and they can’t be generally off-base, correct?

Comprising of an essential system, this technique utilizes four center modules to gather and coordinate assignments and notes. The four modules are The Index, Future Log, Monthly Log, Daily Log. You construct your rundowns around your needs, and have a basic method for dividing various types of notes. Just as the measured structure, shot journalling furnishes you with a scope of signifiers that permit you to stamp, gap and change undertakings up as you wish. Get your highlighters out!

Denounce any kind of authority WITH THE NOTECARD TO-DO LIST

In the event that you love creates—or simply beautiful tones—this is the best strategy for you. Just snatch a pen and begin writing tasks on various hued notecards. The blog Small Stuff Counts proposes that you give each notecard one errand.

Then, mix them up to decide the request wherein they’ll be finished. That way, you can’t stay away from the stuff that you disdain—hitting inbox zero may wind up on top! Then again, you can sort your tasks by need, or organize them into more modest stacks to vanquish on various days of the week.

At the point when you achieve something on your rundown, fold up that notecard and throw it in the garbage. Extra focuses assuming that it has one of those little ball circles. Could it be any more obvious? You can fool yourself into making task-doing a game!



This technique puts together undertakings as per their degree of progress: to-do, doing, and done. To get everything rolling, observe where you can stick your musings.

You can get as insane or straightforward with this as you need. Into shading coding? Take the plunge. Disdain list-production enough as of now? Stay with this.

As Andrew Kunesh notes on the Zapier site, “Kanban is incredible for groups and the people who like to see the higher perspective initially. When utilizing the strategy, you’ll have every one of your assignments, due dates, and errand progress before you, so there’s nothing holding you back from making a plunge directly into your work.”


The Pareto Principle, otherwise called the 80-20 standard, expresses that around a lot of results come from just a fifth of the work. Or on the other hand, to put it another way, a large portion of the advancement towards your objectives comes from a couple of achievements.

In view of that rule, the Harvard Business Review suggests that you just spotlight on one of your six needs for the afternoon. Then, at that point, do that task alone for an hour and a half. Assuming you end up attracted to an especially charming feline video, record the undertaking again — basically reprimanding yourself with a suggestion to make it happen.