Our blog bocsnews.com is created to inform and inspire all our readers. Thus, if you have any story, news, articles, or resources content, ensure that you submit your post to our email; dhnld25@gmail.com
Our primary goal is to expand our blog and have informative and relevant information about the category mentioned. If you have an in-depth understanding of the various stories, news, articles, or resources content, this is the best chance to share your expertise.
Additionally, you have an ideal opportunity to build your brand’s reputation with our community.

In guest blogging, you can write relevant posts such as:
- News
- Business
- Sports
- Digital Marketing
- Entertainment
- Gaming
- Lifestyle
- Health
- Photography
- Science
- Swimming
- workout
- Technology
- Travel
- World
What are the Submission Guidelines of the post written for us?
- The content you submit must be 800 words and above with relevant images (Dimensions: 1024 by 575 pixels File size: 100 KB to 150 KB)
- The subject of your guest post must be closely related to our niche, and it must help your readers understand the niche and learn how to work with it.
- The content format can be comparisons, list articles, tips, tutorials, or a guide.
- The article needs to be well researched, well-formatted and edited
- You should check for plagiarism using Copyscape as we don’t accept content published elsewhere.
- Ensure the content is original and unique
- Ensure you link to credible sources
- You can add copyright-free images, videos, links, and infographics
- The sentences should be short and straightforward
- Incorporate relevant keywords naturally in the text
- Ensure you have proper headings, lists, bullets, and subheadings for your guest posts
- Avoid submitting a promotional article
- Include a backlink to your website
- You are allowed to add an author bio
- You can market your guest posts on your social media accounts
- You should never republish the submitted content
- We have the right to make changes to your article. For instance, we can add videos, images, subtitles, or paragraphs.
- Use a conversational tone to ensure that your article is engaging and easy to read.
What are the Advantages of Writing for Us?
We give you a fantastic platform with millions of readers. Thus, you can use the space to educate the readers about niches. Ensure you submit fresh ideas and relevant content that will intrigue our readers. If you persistently post valuable and engaging content, you will build a credible digital persona for your brand. Some of the advantages of writing for us niche related topics include:
Creates Brand Awareness
Guest posting is the best way for startups and established brands to create brand awareness. The readers of your content can follow you back to your website and learn more about your business. It helps build brand awareness, which increases conversion rates for your business.
Helps your Website to Rank High
Backlinks can increase valuable traffic on your website, which will help your website to rank higher. It is an organic method of driving referral traffic to your website. Notably, if your website ranks high on various search engines, consumers will view it as a credible brand and become interested in transacting with such a brand.
Helps to Build New Relationships
Guest posting is also an incredible method to interact with others and share some resourceful tips in the industry. Through the networks, you can grow your brand and increase your market share.
Improve your Blogging Skills
If you are a blogger or inspiring writer, this is the best platform to establish your writing career. The space gives you a competitive platform to build your portfolio. If you write unique and engaging content, potential employers can spot your skills and employ you.
How to Submit your Guest Post
Before submitting your guest post, ensure that it adheres to all the stipulated guidelines. After that, you can send your guest post to our email; dhnld25@gmail.com.
We will review the article immediately and either accept or reject it. If we accept your article, we will modify it to suit our readers then inform you of the publishing date.